

The Haiku project took me about 10 minutes to make lol. I actually think it is pretty cool. I like the haiku I made, it really represents me as a person. It has a much deeper meaning than what you see on screen. I don’t really want to get into what it means to me because I might get emotional while writing this, but just know that it means a lot to me. If I had to title this haiku I would title it “Inner Beauty” because that is what it really means to me. It shows my inner beauty as a person, and the inner beauty in all of us. Thank you for taking the time to read this. We are all beautiful.

Draw My Life


This is the draw my life project. We had to write a story about our life, and then make some drawings to match what we were talking about. This project was okay. I think it would have been easier to draw it on a white board instead of on the computer. I probably could have done a better job on this project, but its getting close to the end of the year and I am losing motivation. This project didn’t take that long at all. It probably took me about 15 minutes to finish. Overall pretty solid project. YES SIR

Walk Cycle


The walk cycle project was not that hard. All you had to do was draw the guy walking once through and then you could copy and paste it over and over. The hard part was getting the background to move. Mine does not look that good because I did I was doing it the wrong way. Something that was really fun during this project was editing it in Adobe Premiere. I hope we get to do more work on Premiere in the future because I really enjoyed that. I don’t like animating but it is really fun editing stuff together, maybe I should have done video production ://.

Kinetic Typography

This project was the worst! I’m going to be honest I did not like it. It was kind of cool learning more about after affects, but any career involving kinetic typography is NOT for me haha. It took a long time and I  still didn’t finish. I didn’t really know how to animate the camera I tried and it didn’t work so I just didn’t include it. I think it still looks pretty cool without the camera. It makes me realize how hard careers like this can be. It is very very tedious and takes a long time. Something that I liked about this project was the outcome of it. It was cool to see how all the work I put into actually worked out and it is at the same times of the words in the song.

This Is What Makes Entrepreneurs So Successful

Everyone wants to be successful right? So why are only a select group of people so successful. Well I believe that there are seven traits that makes an entrepreneur successful and I am going to take about 3 of them right now. The three I will talk about are tenacity, self-belief, and passion.

Tenacity… This trait is known by many names, perseverance, persistence, determination, commitment, resilience, but it’s really just old-fashioned stick-to-itness. Failure is a huge part of an entrepreneurs life and if you do not have that tenacity you will not be able to deal with all the failure. You need to be able to never give up and keep attacking a problem in many different ways. It takes a special type of person to do this, to get knocked down and keep getting back up with the same fire you had the first time.

Self-belief… Much like it sounds self-belief is believing in yourself. No entrepreneur would ever be able to be successful if they were constantly second guessing them selves and not believing that they had the ability to complete the task. The following is from entrepreneur.com, “You have to be crazy-sure your product is something the world needs and that you can deliver it to overcome the naysayers, who will always deride what the majority has yet to validate.” If you are not 100% sure in yourself, you will surly fail.

Passion…It’s commonly assumed that successful entrepreneurs are driven by money. But most will tell you they are fueled by a passion for their product or service, by the opportunity to solve a problem and make life easier, better, cheaper.If you do not have passion for what you are doing then you will not be successful. You have to be entirely in love with what you do.

Steve Jobs one of the most successful entrepreneurs of our day and age. Mr. Jobs had all of these qualities and much much more. Something else that entrepreneurs need to be successful is luck. There has to be some degree of luck involved, any person who says that they became successful entirely on their own is delusional.


Another entrepreneur that I aspire to be like is Elon Musk. Mr. Musk is a genius who has a vision for the world that none of us can quite grasp. That is also part of being successful is that you need to have a vision. I love it dude.



Brick Drop

The brick drop project was a pretty chill project. It actually went a lot faster than I expected. Im not really satisfied with my final project. The wiggle at the top of the building goes really fast and I didn’t want to take the time to fix it:/ The fall was okay, the brick spins a little bit too much. Animating is really hard and takes a lot of time. I definitely do not want to pursue animating as a career, it is far too frustrating. Something that I liked about this project was doing the two-point perspective. I think it looks pretty cool and I can use it in my art class.


Character Turnaround

Character TurnaroundThis project was more difficult than our previous projects. I still enjoyed doing it, but it was definitely a challenge. One of the things that was difficult for me was being able to actually make the character turn-around. It was also pretty hard to make sure that everything stays consistent. The eyes, sports, ears, feet, and everything else has to stay the same in all the pictures. This project makes me realize how hard it must be to animate things frame by frame and actually make it look good. It is a step up from the bouncing ball project, because a giraffe is more difficult than a ball. Overall this project was a good learning experience and is getting me prepared for the future of this class.

The Bouncing Ball

The Bouncing Ball project was the first project that we actually animated something. It was a cool experience and I learned a lot. Something that was hard about this project was keeping the ball consistently the same size. I would find that when I was animating the ball would slowly get bigger or smaller. Something that was cool about this project was actually creating something that moves, it was really cool to see something actually moving. Something else that I really loved was making the music. That was awesome and I hope we get to do it more. It got me excited about animating more. While doing this project I realized just how hard it must be for professional animators, they have to be really good. To make something look as realistic as they do, its amazing. Overall This project was lots of fun, and was a good learning experience.

Character Frenzy

Self Portrait

The Self Portrait project was our second project we did in Digital Animation. I really enjoyed doing this project. I finished it much faster than I expected. It was easier to do because I had more experience with the drawing tablet and photoshop. I had problems with the coloring part of the project. It is hard to get the exact color I want. I am still not satisfied with the color. It was fun to add the pictures and to put myself in Harry Potter’s world. I really enjoy Harry Potter, and Shaq so I included these elements into my project. I also gave Dumbledore a hat and a teardrop tattoo. I thought that was pretty funny. Overall I really enjoyed the project, I am excited for the future in Digital Animation class.

Character Frenzy

Character Frenzy

This was our first project in Digital Animation. I really enjoyed doing it, we also learned how to use the drawing tablets. This project got me excited for the future of this class. Using the Flash program was also a good new experience. I learned a lot, including how much work goes into doing something like this. I can’t imagine all the work that must go into making actual animation. Some of the struggles I had was doing the ling work for my character. It was very tedious and took a lot of time. Overall I loved doing this project and hope that I will enjoy any future projects just as much.